Dutch-Flemish scale

Sire search on the Dutch-Flemish scale

> > Dutch-Flemish scale

More Genomic Breeding Values on the Dutch-Flemish scale

What is NVI and gNVI?

The NVI is the total merit index that is used in the Netherlands and Flanders for ranking bulls according to the national breeding goal. It includes production traits and functional traits, as longevity, health and type (udder and feet & legs). Traits in NVI have been given weight in such a way that a desired gain per trait is achieved. Since April 2018 claw health and saved feed costs are included in the NVI.

What are the benefits of using NVI?

Using NVI in your breeding program will lead to:

  • Improvement of production and longevity;
  • Lower culling rates, which means fewer replacements and thus a higher income;
  • More fertile and healthier cows, which will have a positive effect on income and consumer acceptance.

How to understand NVI?

  • 95% of the Holstein animals evaluated in the Netherlands-Flanders have breeding values between -174 and +174.
  • This means that bulls with a proof over 174 represent the top 2.5% of the breed.
  • Breeding values on the Dutch scale have an average of 0 and a genetic standard deviation of 87.

Who is responsible for estimation and publication of breeding values?

CRV is computing genomic breeding values on a weekly basis, for more than 60 traits. In addition to the traits included into gNVI, CRV has developed genomic evaluation for urea, lactose yield, hoof health, ketosis, calf survival, feed efficiency, and automatic milking traits (Robot efficiency + Robot milking interval + Habituation of heifers). The Animal Evaluation Unit (AEU) from CRV Cooperative is responsible for the publication of breeding values for sires in the Netherlands and Flanders, in close collaboration with an advisory committee that consists of member farmers, people from universities and industry representatives. The estimation of breeding values is based on data collected from cows in the Netherlands and in Flanders.

Where do you search for the NVI of a specific sire?

You can search CRV sire database for information on breeding values by providing a (partial) name, bull code or valid ID number on CRV official website.

You can find toplists (breeding values) for Holstein Black and White as well as for Holstein Red and White bulls on: https://www.cooperatie-crv.nl/english/cooperation-crv-breeding-values/

Where do you find more information on Dutch proof?




gNVI: 8 groups of traits

The NVI is composed of breeding values for 8 groups of traits with their respective weights:



Press publication:

Publication of the breeding values takes place on the following dates:

  • Tuesday 4 January 2022
  • Tuesday 1 February 2022
  • Tuesday 1 March 2022
  • Wednesday 6 April 2022 (official Interbull publication)
  • Tuesday 3 May 2022
  • Tuesday 7 June 2022
  • Tuesday 5 July 2022
  • Wednesday 10 August 2022 (official Interbull publication)
  • Tuesday 6 September 2022
  • Tuesday 4 October 2022
  • Tuesday 1 November 2022
  • Wednesday 7 December 2022 (official Interbull publication)